• How does the BrownBox protect my amp?

    How much time do you have?

    • The BrownBox helps supply your amp with the optimal amount of voltage your amp was created for.
    • Keeps your tubes form blowing
    • Helps you maintain a consistent tone
  • My BrownBox stopped working what do I do?

    A common issue is that the fuse blew. This is a good sign as instead of your amp blowing the BrownBox took the heat. Your BrownBox comes with an extra fuse. Watch this video on how to change it. You can also purchase extra fuses from our store. If that doesn't solve it, email us customerservice@brownbox.rocks

  • How do I change the fuse in my BrownBox?

    • There is a spare fuse in the unit. Open the external fuse door (between the power switch and the IEC inlet plug) and swap out the fuse with the provided spare - you can probably see if it's blown. Once you do that, please let me know if you are able to power on the unit.
    • If the problem persists, you can send the unit to us for evaluation.
  • How many amplifiers can I power with my BrownBox?

    • Generally speaking, you can run two amplifiers from one BrownBox at the same time but it depends upon the total power draw. 
    • To be specific- one BrownBox will provide up to 540 watts or 5 amps of connected load at 120VAC
    • In order to determine if you can use both of your specific amplifiers, you will total all numbers provided from the manufacturers spec plate on the back of the amps and add them together for the total connected load.
    • For Example: When operating at full capacity (aka ‘dimed out’) - a 40 Watt amp draws ~180 watts or 2 amperes and a 100 watt amp draws ~300 watts or 3 amperes. In this scenario, the connected load is ~480W / 5A
  • If I use a power conditioner, where should I place it in the chain?

    We recommend: wall -> conditioner -> BrownBox -> amp

    • This way, you are supplying your BrownBox with good power 
    • If you place the power conditioner after the BrownBox, the power conditioner itself will draw some current of its own, adding towards the total draw from the whole system.
  • Can I use the BrownBox with a power strip/surge protector?

    • You can plug the BrownBox into a power strip/surge protector for added protection but it is not required. The BrownBox has a 5 amp fuse inside - it is designed to protect as well. Our customers go both ways with it - some are plugging straight into the wall, some are using Furmans or surge protectors.

    It's up to you and your rig, but rest assured that there is a fuse as a line of defense.

    • Note: Oftentimes when people use both a power strip and a BrownBox, they will plug the surge protector into the wall and then the BrownBox into the surge protector. 
    • We do not suggest that you plug a power strip into your BrownBox - oftentimes, people will plug too many things into the power strip and then overload the BrownBox and the fuse in the box will blow.
  • What is the difference between the BrownBox and the BrownBox 2?

    The BrownBox is designed for 120 V / 60 Hz and the BrownBox 2 is designed for 120 V /50-60 Hz, allowing it to be used internationally where the cycles are 50 Hz OR 60 Hz.

  • I’m traveling overseas. Do I need a BrownBox, a BrownBox 2, or a BrownBox 200 series?

    This is important

    If you are in a 220-240V country and are using North American equipment (made for 120VAC) you will need a step down transformer paired with a BrownBox II

    • In these locations, the frequency is 50 Hz instead of 60 Hz. Using a stepdown transformer (220V-120V) only reliably decreases the voltage - it is not necessarily frequency compensating. So with the BrownBox II you will be supplying your amp with 120V/50Hz (make sure to use a stepdown transformer). NOTE: The BrownBox and the BrownBox II are both 120 Volts but the BrownBox is only 120V/60hz whereas the BrownBox II is 120V/50-60Hz.  

    If you’re traveling to or live in a 220-240V country

    • and are using 220-240V equipment, you need a BrownBox 200 series.